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january 2025:0

01-24-2025:0 - 3:05am

art page (on here) done a few days ago. & i've logged back into tumblr and posted that i'd be moving there to instagram. of course very few people are going to follow that (i only have like 90 followers anyways) but it's been a long time coming. (i haven't posted in months anyways.) makon and the mother's pages are available again. makon's personality is still blank. i accept i'm bad at writing those lol.

01-20-2025:0 - 8:07pm

i've finished the main page of this website. i'm also in the process of redoing my toyhouse to match the 2025 ac4t overhaul. (i technically started it in december, but 2025 is easier to say.)

i'm a bit occupied with real life matters, which does limit the amount of progress i'm able to make within ac4t's plotline. that being said, i am doing a great deal of research for makon's character, at the moment. they're the first character i've really gone in and redone, asides from fyodor who is very easy to alter due to his lack of social ties. the two of them are about worked out, though i'll need to test things out before i'm comfortable with them. character-wise, my next plan for reworks is harper, who's backstory will take a lot of tinkering - and then i'll want to work on solidifying nikita, kassidy, and wrightii.

i'll also want to keep working on the worldbuild itself. the earth is fairly sorted, as are the metaphysics and the world cycle; those didn't change much. i really need to start actually naming locations, organisations, and etc... which is so difficult. fissura isn't even a really good name. i just don't have another one. (and plot city is worse.)